The Frosch Family - Farming Adventurers

Posted by Dale Schwamborn on Thu, Jan 09, 2014 @ 08:00 AM

The Airstream caravan is about adventure. It's about experiencing life to its fullest. And it's about family.

This photo was taken during the 1959 Airstream Wally Byam Caravan. This is Al Frosch, and he's hanging up the family laundry.

However, the real story begins months before the Caravan begins.

One evening, Al came literally running into his home and announces to his wife, "Mildred, we are going to Africa!"

He had seen a Caravan that traveled through Mexico and Central America. The group, of course, was the Airstream Caravan, led by Wally Byam. So Al has decided their family will join the next one, planned to travel from Cape Town, South Africa to Cairo, Egypt - and beyond.

The Frosch family consists of Al, Mildred, and their three children: Judy (age 12), Linda (age 10), and Susan (age 6).

Al buys an Airstream and an International Harvester tow vehicle. So they're on their way to Africa.

Or are they?

Because their family lives on a farm, they can't just leave! So who is going to bring in their cranberry crop? Al needs to stay at home on their farm for just that reason. He must stay to harvest the cranberries, and does.

Therefore Mildred, with three daughters, a first time Airstreamer, sails for Africa. It will be several weeks until Al catches up with the Caravan.

I just love their story.

Al had the confidence that his wife could manage with his three daughters in Africa until his arrival. The youngest Caravanner was Susan Frosch, at just six years of age.

There is no doubt that a farming environment and family exercise a can-do spirit. (Even with the father hanging up the laundry.)

Not until the 1963 Airstream Wally Byam Around-the-World Caravan will there be a younger child traveling on a Caravan. McGregor Smith, Jr., writer, wrote, "Thank You Marco Polo," the story of the first Around-the-World Caravan. He made the trek with his wife and three children, the youngest of whom was age one.

Airstreamers have so many experiences whether traveling cross Africa, Asia or the United States. The Airstream has that magical quality that opens your life for new friendships, and adventures.  A wonderful life!

Tags: Throwback Thursday